Speakers Technical Information


Speakers’ Lounge

Presentations must be submitted to the technical support team in the Speaker’s Lounge at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled presentation or the day before your presentation if the talk is scheduled for the morning sessions.
Please prepare your presentation in .ppt, .pptx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003-2017 format). Please avoid using videos embedded in your show. If have a video, please test it in the Speaker’s room after submitting or contact the technician in the lecture hall at latest in the break before your presentation (but preferably earlier) to test it in advance.

Please note, you will not be able to use your own laptop for your presentation.

Opening Hours
08.00-19.00 on Wednesday
07:00-19:00 on Thursday, Friday
08.00-11.00 on Saturday


Every endeavour has been made to produce an accurate program. If you are presenting at the Congress, please confirm your presentation time as contained in this program at the Speaker Lounge.

Abstract publication

Abstracts will be published on-line in the journal Clinical Neurophysiology Volume September 2017.

Programme changes

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the organisers cannot assume liability for any changes in the scientific programme. Organisers will do their best to keep the participants up to date, possible changes in the programme will be immediately communicated.