Preliminary program


Brzozowski T. (Poland)
Role of carbon monoxide in gastroprotection against acute gastric mucosal lesions.

Callingham B. (Great Brittan)
Smooth muscle relaxation by ibuprofen and diclofenac; in vitro models reveal differences in their modes of action?

Chen D. (Norway)
The roles of vagus nerve in the gut-brain axis.

Csiba L. (Hungary)
Neuroprotection in focal ischemia: Failures and perspectives.

Filaretova L, Mayzina MA, Bagaeva TR, Morozova OYu. (Russia)
Contribution of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) to gastroprotection: Involvement of glucocorticoids, CRF receptors types 1 and 2.

Giricz Z. (Hungary)
Extracellular vesicles in cardioprotection.

Helyes Zs. (Hungary)
TRPA1 ion channel in a mouse colitis model.

Holzer P. (Austria)
Commensal intestinal microbiota: Protection of gut and brain.

Mátyus P. (Hungary)
Medicinal chemical approach of cyto/organoprotection.

Mózsik Gy., Past T, Cziráki A, Szolcsányi J, Szalai M. (Hungary)
Human phase I. study of capsaicinoids alone and in combination with diclofenac: Pharmacokinetic analysis of capsaicinoids and diclofenac, and the inhibitory action of p/metabolites on platelet aggregation in male volunteers.

Pacher P. (USA)
Role of the endocannabinoid system in cardiovascular injury and inflammation.

Pintér E. (Hungary)
Anti-inflammatory effect of hydrogen sulfide in murine colitis.

Rainsford K. (Great Brittan)
Gastrointestinal adverse reactions from NSAIDs: An ongoing issue.

Satoh H. Amagase K., Takeuchi K. (Japan)
Effect of mucosal protective agents on exacerbation of NSAID-induced small intestinal lesions caused by antisecretory drugs in rats.

Schultz R. (Germany)
Mitochondrial proteins in cardioprotection.

Sikiric P. (Croatia)
Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157: Current status.

Szabo S. (USA)
New & old concepts in cell injury/cell death: Necrosis, apoptosis & necroptosis.

Sperlagh B. (Hungary)
Novel multitarget drug development strategies to combat neurodegeneration.

Takeuchi K. (Japan)
Gender difference in duodenal HCO3- response to mucosal acidification: Importance of sensory neurons and up-regulation of ASIC3 by estradiol.

Tarnawski A. (USA)
In vivo, real time non-invasive assessment of gastric mucosal injury using confocal laser endomicroscopy: Focus on mucosal microvessels, progenitor cells and mucosal protection. Direct comparison with quantitative histology and electron microscopy.

Varga G. (Hungary)
Mesenchymal stem cells as anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration tools.

Vécsei L. (Hungary)
Neurodegeneration and kynurenines: Novel preventive and therapeutic possibilities.

Vizi E. S. (Hungary)
Role of nonsynaptic GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors in excitotoxicity: Evidence that fluoxetine selectively inhibits these receptors and may have neuroprotective effects.

Wallace J. (Canada)
Hydrogen sulfide-based therapeutics: Cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory.

Wood J. (Canada)
Neurogenic bicarbonate secretion in the duodenum.

Yanaka A. (Japan)
Adaptive cytoprotection and cancer chemoprotection of GI tract by sulforaphane via NRF2-dependent and independent pathway.

Zádori Z, Tóth V, Fehér A, Gyires K. (Hungary)
Role of alpha-2/imidazoline receptors in GI mucosal defense.