Organized by
the Sándor Ferenczi Society and the International Ferenczi Foundation in collaboration with the Hungarian Psychoanalytical Society and the Ferenczi Network: Associazione Culturale Sándor Ferenczi (Italy), Association Cultural S. Ferenczi (Argentina), Maison Ferenczi (France), Imago International (London), Ferenczi Center, New School for Social Research (New York). Under the auspices of Società Psicoanalitica Italiana, Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid, International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies.
Journals Supporting the Conference: Le Coq-Héron, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Thalassa.
Honorary Committee
Judith Dupont, Horatio Etchegoyen, Charles Hanly, André Haynal, György Hidas
Scientific Advisory Board
Lewis Aron, José Jiménez Avello, Emanuel Berman, Pedro Boschan (†), Antal Bókay, Thierry Bokanowsky, Ferenc Erős, Josette Garon, Ignatio Gerber, Adrienne Harris, Axel Hoffer, Haydée Christinne Kahtuni, Horst Kächele, Benjamin Kilborne, Michelle Moreau-Ricaud, Rudolf Pfitzner, Arnold Rachman, Peter Rudnytsky, Gisela Paraná Sanches, Jonathan Sklar, Rogelio Sosnik, Judith Vida
Program and Organizing Committee
Chair: Judit Mészáros
Co-Chairs: Carlo Bonomi, Franco Borgogno, János Harmatta
Members: Kristóf Asbót, Péter Antal Bacsó, Eva Brabant, Luis Martín Cabré, Ágnes Drelyó, Bea Ehmann, Jay Frankel, Giselle Galdi, André Haynal, Lilla Hárdi, Kathleen Kelley-Lainé, Endre Koritar, Csaba Pléh, Éva Prágai, Katalin Révai
Judit Mészáros:
Carlo Bonomi:
Franco Borgogno:
Conference Secretariat
CongressLine Ltd.
Bea Golovanova:
Address: H-1065 Budapest, Révay köz 2.
Tel.: +36 1 429 0146, +36 1 312 1582
Fax: +36 1 429 0147