We extend a warm invitation to our friends and future friends to join us in Budapest, Hungary for the 19th Annual Budapest Advanced Interventional Conference-Workshops August 25-27, 2014. The faculty will have significant
information to make your practice of interventional pain safer and help you serve your patients.
The Budapest Conference program is a product of input from the Scientific Program Committee, as well as
significant input from all the program committee members named on our printed program. The local arrangement
chairperson, Edit Racz, has served in this role for over 20 years. To encourage membership and participation from
the host country, we from the very beginning set up a registration system to make it affordable for them to attend.
We have and will observe all requirements to maintain the highest level of certification for continuing medical
education credits of our Budapest program.
The 2014 Budapest program will have new topics that will make you stand out among your home-based colleagues when you return home. Some rare problems will be discussed. Significant learning takes place during the cadaver workshop and in discussions with individuals as well as the lectures and the topics and the question-answer periods. There is a lot to learn and a lot to teach. I believe our tradition of shared learning/teaching will be maintained and you will have a fantastic experience where you will be better than when you arrived, and be challenged with the desire to teach and make the whole field of interventional pain management better. The ambience, the dinners, the entertainment, and the friendships will be similar to past Budapest Conferences. The venue is unbeatable. Budapest is waiting for you.
We acknowledge with gratitude the sponsors who make this event possible as well as those of you who will come
and make the Budapest Conference successful. Without participants, we have nothing. We are very much looking
forward to seeing you August 25-26-27, 2014 in Budapest followed on August 28 by the 26th FIPP Examination.
With best personal regards to all,
Gabor B. Racz, MD, DABIPP, FIPP Director – Budapest Conference Grover E. Murray Professor Professor and Chairman Emeritus at TTUHSC Founder and Past President WIP Member of WIP Executive Board |
James E. Heavner, DVM, PhD, FIPP (Hon) Co-Program Director Budapest Conference FIPP Examination Registrar |