Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The International Academy for Quality (IAQ) invites you to its World Quality Forum "Quality for Future of the World"
which will be held in Budapest on October 26-27, 2015.
The first IAQ World Quality Forum will give a message to the whole Quality World. The Forum expects participants from all over the world to inform them on the latest development of the quality management, trends, methods and tools. The IAQ Members are preparing the so-called IAQ Discussion Panels, but all Speakers and Poster Presenters are welcome with well-founded abstracts relating to the selected topics of the World Forum. Also recognized Quality Development Teams will get an opportunity to introduce their achievements. All quality committed people: Representatives of the Top-Management, Quality Management Departments, Marketing, etc. from the private, but also from public sector, from research and education institutions, especially from universities and also consultants are welcome as contributors and participants.
The First IAQ World Quality Forum intends to give a message for the Future of the World how important is quality thinking by governments, companies, organizations, people and all together the whole society.
The International Academy for Quality (IAQ) will be very pleased to welcome many of you in Budapest in October this year. We are looking forward to see and meet you at the World Quality Forum of the IAQ!
Prof. Dr. Pál Molnár
IAQ President
H-1026 Budapest, Nagyajtai utca 2/b.
Phone: +36 1 212 8803, Fax: +36 1 212 7638